Doug Tawlks
M.A. Counseling, Director the LifeBridge.
Doug is an Author, Speaker and the creator of the Heart 2 Heart Marriage Encounters and a co-creator of the Transforming Prayer Therapy Model. He has been teaching and bringing others to freedom for over 30 years.
To see a schedule of upcoming speaking events Click Here

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62 Year Old Female, Married
There’s no way I’d still be breathing if God had not removed my desire/need to self-destruct by smoking. I will always be grateful for my experience in Co-Active Prayer. I haven’t smoked for four years.
I’m doing well! I had a speaking engagement on Saturday and shared my testimony for the first time in a congregation without any shame or self-condemnation. I’m totally blown away with what God is doing in my life right now!
God is doing a tremendous healing in my life and it began with the prayer session. Ever since last Thursday and receiving prayer I have not been the same. My emotions have been great I haven’t experienced the depression I was experiencing prior to prayer.
Joseph Jacobs
The Transforming Prayer Seminar was more than just an informational seminar. It was interactive and experiential. I recommend it to anyone involved in ministry or prayer teams. The experience of Doug and Dave combined with their engaging presentation really prepared me to employ this method of prayer with others as well as in my own life.